A TRUE STORY – From the dream to the nightmare – Part 1
A TRUE STORY – From the dream to the nightmare – Part 1
A French couple, with 2 small children, falls in love with Portugal and decided to move in.
They spent 2 years, organizing their jobs transfer to Portugal, finding the right school for the children and selling their home in France.
At the same time, they have a Real Estate agent looking for their dream house in Portugal. After all, this is what everyone does when looking for a new home, in your own country or abroad.
After many options, and recommended by the Real Estate agent, now their friend, they choose a newly refurbished “as good as new” house, and, as a cherry on top of a cake, the Real Estate agent promised them to take care of everything to make their dream come true.
Nothing could be more perfect. A trustworthy Real Estate agent taking care the bureaucracy for them, a great place to live and to raise the children, the French house sold, the jobs and the school ready for a smooth transfer. Life at its best …
But, when the bank calls in and says it will not be possible to conclude the loan process as there’s a document missing, the nightmare begins.
Suddenly, because of a missing document in the loan process, they can’t move in, they can’t go back and the only persons that can eventually help them are the ones creating the problem in the first place.
Want to know the full story with all the funny details? Come back this Friday and get something to tell your friends about looking for a place to live or to invest in Portugal.